The thing around your neck

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:51186
書  名The thing around your neck
作  者Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
出 版 項New York :; Anchor Books,; 2010.06
稽 核 項217 p. ;; 21 cm
標  題Short stories, Nigerian (English)
標  題Nigeria
內 容 註Cell one -- Imitation -- A private experience -- Ghosts --On Monday of last week -- Jumping monkey hill -- The thingaround your neck -- The American embassy -- The shivering-- The arrangers of marriage -- Tomorrow is too far -- Theheadstrong historian
摘 要 註A collection of twelve stories includes the tale of amedical student in hiding with a poor Muslim woman, and awoman who discovers a devastating secret about herbrother's death
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Nineteen eighty-four : a novel / by George Orwell with aforeword byThomas Pynchon ; with an afterword by ErichFromm

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