| 書 名 | Top Science Fiction Stories for Kids: 10 Secrets about Science Fiction that nobody will tell you | 作 者 | Oesterling, Christian | 出 版 項 | New York; Independently Published; 2020 | 稽 核 項 | 156 pages :; illustrations ;; 23 cm | 標 題 | Youth | 標 題 | Young adults | 標 題 | Internet and teenagers | 標 題 | Internet | 標 題 | Social media | 標 題 | Youth | 標 題 | Internet and teenagers. | 標 題 | Internet | 標 題 | Young adults. | 標 題 | Youth. | 標 題 | United States. | 書 目 註 | Includes bibliographical references (pages 317-333) andindex | 摘 要 註 | They were born after 1995. They grew up with cell phones, | 摘 要 註 | As seen in Time, USA TODAY, The Atlantic, The Wall StreetJournal, and on CBS This Morning, BBC, PBS, CNN, and NPR,iGen is crucial reading to understand how the children,teens, and young adults born in the mid-1990s and laterare vastly different from their Millennial predecessors,and from any other generation. With generational divideswider than ever, parents, educators, and employers have anurgent need to understand today's rising generation ofteens and young adults. Born in the mid-1990s up to themid-2000s, iGen is the first generation to spend theirentire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. Withsocial media and texting replacing other activities, iGenspends less time with their friends in person -- perhapscontributing to their unprecedented levels of anxiety,depression, and loneliness. But technology is not the onlything that makes iGen distinct from every generationbefore them; they are also different in how they spendtheir time, how they behave, and in their attitudes towardreligion, sexuality, and politics. They socialize incompletely new ways, reject once sacred social taboos, andwant different things from their lives and careers. Morethan previous generations, they are obsessed with safety,focused on tolerance, and have no patience for inequality.With the first members of iGen just graduating fromcollege, we all need to understand them: friends andfamily need to look out for them; businesses must figureout how to recruit them and sell to them; colleges anduniversities must know how to educate and guide them. Andmembers of iGen also need to understand themselves as theycommunicate with their elders and explain their views totheir older peers. Because where iGen goes, so goes ournation -- and the world. - Publisher | 摘 要 註 | Dr. Jean Twenge offers a portrait of a new generation thatis growing up more slowly and more anxious -- but alsomore tolerant and more safe -- than any generation inhistory. They stay away from grown-up temptations likealcohol and sex, but they also avoid grown-upresponsibilities, like learning to drive, moving out ofthe house, and gaining financial independence. They'reopen-minded, forward-thinking, and prudent in ways thatprevious generations of young people were not. The traitsand trends of iGen can seem puzzling or evencounterintuitive, but if we want to interact with themsuccessfully -- to parent them, to teach them, to workwith them, to market to them -- we need to understand whothey are and why they behave in the ways that they do.With generational divides that are deeper and wider thanever, parents, educators, and employers have an urgentneed to understand today's rising generation of teens andyoung adults who are just starting to enter the workforce.As social media and texting replace other recreationalactivities and ways of communicating, iGen'ers spend lesstime with their friends and loved ones in person -- whichperhaps explains why they are experiencing unprecedentedlevels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Buttechnology is not the only thing that makes iGen distinct.Through her research, interviews, and analysis of datadrawn from more than 11 million respondents over multipledecades, Dr. Twenge demonstrates that iGen's uniquenessalso lies in how they spend their time, how they behave, | ISBN | 9781650306384 | ISBN | 1501151983 | ISBN | 9781501152016 | ISBN | 1501152017 | LCCN | 2017015986 | 版 次 | First Atria books hardcover edition |