Fighting words

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:51195
書  名Fighting words
作  者Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
出 版 項New York :; Puffin Books; 2021.08
稽 核 項259 p. ;; 20 cm
標  題Sisters
標  題Middle school students
標  題Suicidal behavior
標  題Children of prisoners
標  題Sex crimes
標  題Foster children
標  題Young adult fiction
附 註 項Includes author's note with discussion questions
摘 要 註Depending on an older sister who protected her when theirmother went to prison and their mother's boyfriendcommitted a terrible act, 10-year-old Della tries tofigure out what to do when her older sister attemptssuicide
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