Artful watercolor : learning to use the secrets of light

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:43685
書  名Artful watercolor learning to use the secrets of light
作  者LouBonamarte
出 版 商Sterling
稽 核 項224; 26 cm
標  題Watercolor painting
摘 要 註What makes this book special are the high caliberillustrations by an accomplished watercolorist/teacher anda text by a widely published reference author that go farbeyond the typical how-to art book. In clear, step-by-stepfashion, the authors explain concepts-not only "How" but"Why"-as well as the techniques of watercolor. Instead ofjust providing examples to imitate, this guide providesthe aspiring artist with the fundamentals of light/shadow,shape, value, harmony/conflict, and order/chaos, alongwith exercises and assignments to make the concepts fullyunderstood"-- Provided by publisher,"Many art books offer advice on how to perform thetechniques used by creative watercolorists, but this onegoes farther by also explaining the "why" and "when"aspects of using these critical skills. Artful Watercolorexhaustively covers the best uses of light and shadow,color values, mixing custom colors, applying washes, andunderstanding shape, as well as exploring expressions ofharmony and conflict, order and chaos within thecomposition. Numerous exercises and tips help guidereaders through expressive detail work, wet/dry painting,and fixing mistakes. "-- Provided by publisher
國際標準書號(ISBN)1402754094 875
國際標準書號(ISBN)9781402754098 (hard) : 24.95
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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