
資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:51190
書  名Watercress
作  者Andrea Wang ; pictures by Jason Chin
出 版 項New York :; Neal Porter Books; 2021.03
稽 核 項1 volume (unpaged) :; color illustrations ;; 23 x 29 cm
標  題Watercress
標  題Harvesting
標  題Chinese Americans
標  題Families
標  題PIctorial works
標  題Ohio
附 註 項A Neal Porter Book."
摘 要 註Embarrassed about gathering watercress from a roadsideditch, a girl learns to appreciate her Chinese heritageafter learning why the plant is so important to herparents
版  次First edition
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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